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女士們,先生們: 大家上午好!按照國務(wù)院新聞辦的安排,現(xiàn)在向大家介紹一下《國務(wù)院關(guān)于解決城市低收入家庭住房困難的若干意見》的起草情況和有關(guān)工作部署。 一、關(guān)于《若干意見》的起草過程和指導(dǎo)思想、基本原則
黨中央、國務(wù)院高度重視解決群眾的住房問題。改革開放以來,我國城鎮(zhèn)住房制度改革不斷深化,多數(shù)居民的住房條件得到了較大改善。但部分城市低收入家庭住房還比較困難。今年政府工作報告強調(diào),要加大財稅等政策的支持力度,幫助解決低收入家庭的住房困難。國務(wù)院部署建設(shè)部等有關(guān)部門,在充分調(diào)查研究基礎(chǔ)上,起草了《若干意見》。8月7日,國務(wù)院已經(jīng)正式印發(fā)實施。這是國務(wù)院關(guān)于解決民生問題的又一重大決策。8月24日,國務(wù)院召開了全國住房工作會議,就貫徹落實《若干意見》進行部署。曾培炎副總理出席會議并做了重要講話?! 度舾梢庖姟芬蟀呀鉀Q城市低收入家庭住房困難作為維護群眾利益的重要工作和住房制度改革的重要內(nèi)容,作為政府公共服務(wù)的一項重要職責(zé),加快建立健全以廉租住房制度為重點、多渠道解決城市低收入家庭住房困難的政策體系?! 度舾梢庖姟访鞔_了以下基本原則:一是立足國情,滿足基本居住需要。二是統(tǒng)籌規(guī)劃,分步解決。三是政府主導(dǎo),社會參與。四是統(tǒng)一政策、因地制宜;五是省級負(fù)總責(zé),市縣抓落實。 二、關(guān)于《若干意見》的主要政策規(guī)定 一是擴大廉租住房制度的保障范圍?!笆晃濉逼谀?,全國廉租住房制度保障范圍要擴大到低收入住房困難家庭。2007年底前,所有設(shè)區(qū)的城市要對符合規(guī)定住房困難條件、申請廉租住房租賃補貼的城市低保家庭基本做到應(yīng)保盡保;2008年底前,所有縣城要基本做到應(yīng)保盡保。東部地區(qū)和其他有條件的地區(qū)在2008年底之前將廉租住房制度擴大到低收入家庭。 二是健全廉租住房制度的各項規(guī)定。(1)合理確定廉租住房對象標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和保障標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。具體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)由各市縣人民政府根據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)厝司杖牒腿司》克降囊欢ū壤_定。(2)以發(fā)放租賃住房補貼和實物配租相結(jié)合,完善廉租住房保障方式。(3)多渠道增加廉租住房房源。要通過政府新建、收購、改建以及社會捐贈等方式多渠道籌集房源,小戶型租賃住房短缺和房屋租金較高的地區(qū),近期政府要加大建設(shè)力度。新建廉租住房主要在經(jīng)濟適用住房小區(qū)和普通商品住房小區(qū)中配建,也可以集中建設(shè)?! ∪谴_保廉租住房保障資金來源。地方財政要將廉租住房保障資金納入年度預(yù)算安排;住房公積金增值凈收益全部用于廉租住房建設(shè);土地出讓凈收益用于廉租住房保障資金的比例不得低于10%。對于中西部財政困難地區(qū),中央財政給予專項支持?! ∷氖歉倪M和規(guī)范經(jīng)濟適用住房制度。經(jīng)濟適用住房供應(yīng)對象為城市低收入家庭;套型建筑面積控制在60平方米左右;購房滿5年以上方可出售,出售時應(yīng)當(dāng)按照屆時同地段普通商品住房與經(jīng)濟適用住房差價的一定比例向政府交納土地收益等價款。結(jié)構(gòu)性矛盾突出、房價上漲較快的地區(qū)要加大建設(shè)規(guī)模。同時,還要求集資合作建房嚴(yán)格按照經(jīng)濟適用住房的有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行?! ∥迨侵鸩礁纳婆飸魠^(qū)、舊住宅區(qū)和農(nóng)民工的居住條件。對集中成片的棚戶區(qū),城市人民政府要制定改造計劃,因地制宜進行改造。對可整治的舊住宅區(qū)要積極進行房屋維修養(yǎng)護、配套設(shè)施完善、環(huán)境整治和建筑節(jié)能改造。要求按照“城市統(tǒng)籌規(guī)劃、用工單位負(fù)責(zé)、政府政策引導(dǎo)”的原則,多渠道改善農(nóng)民工居住條件。 三、關(guān)于健全住房保障工作機制 一是要落實經(jīng)濟政策和用地政策。對保障性住房建設(shè),免收各種行政事業(yè)性收費、政府性基金;實行劃撥方式供應(yīng)土地,并在年度用地計劃中優(yōu)先安排、保證供應(yīng)。同時,要求加強規(guī)劃設(shè)計管理,確保工程質(zhì)量、功能質(zhì)量?! 《墙∪ぷ鳈C制。要求抓緊開展低收入家庭住房狀況調(diào)查,在今年年底前建立低收入住房困難家庭檔案,制定工作目標(biāo)、發(fā)展規(guī)劃和年度計劃,并落實資金和用地;要求健全廉租住房制度和經(jīng)濟適用住房制度中的申請、審核和公示辦法,嚴(yán)格開展申請人家庭收入、住房狀況的調(diào)查審核,健全退出機制?! ∪锹鋵嵐ぷ髫?zé)任。省級人民政府負(fù)總責(zé),實行目標(biāo)責(zé)任制管理,加強監(jiān)督指導(dǎo),納入對市縣政府的考核。城市政府要加強領(lǐng)導(dǎo),健全工作機構(gòu);每年要在《政府工作報告》中向同級人大報告工作完成情況。國務(wù)院有關(guān)部門將加快制定有關(guān)的資金、土地、稅收、金融等配套政策,加強監(jiān)督檢查?! ?STRONG>四、關(guān)于加強房地產(chǎn)市場宏觀調(diào)控 近年來,房地產(chǎn)市場調(diào)控取得積極成效。但商品住房市場供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)仍不盡合理,一些地方供求矛盾突出。今年以來,部分城市特別是東部沿海大城市商品住房價格上漲幅度較大。下一步,要繼續(xù)抓好國務(wù)院關(guān)于房地產(chǎn)市場調(diào)控政策的落實,在加大廉租住房和經(jīng)濟適用住房供應(yīng)的同時,重點抓好以下工作: 一是,大力增加普通住房供應(yīng),加大住房供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整力度,堅持落實好“兩個70%” 以及限價房政策,重點發(fā)展中低價位、中小套型普通商品住房,穩(wěn)定房價?! 《?,調(diào)控和引導(dǎo)住房需求。完善有區(qū)別的稅收、信貸政策,堅決打擊投機性購房,有效抑制投資性購房,加大對大套型住房需求的調(diào)控力度,引導(dǎo)居民合理的住房消費?! ∪牵瑖?yán)厲打擊房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)銷售過程中的違法違規(guī)行為。加強全過程監(jiān)管,嚴(yán)肅查處違法規(guī)劃、虛假廣告、合同欺詐等行為,特別是要堅決查處對囤積土地、捂盤惜售、惡意炒作和哄抬房價等違法違規(guī)行為。
Speech on the Press Conference of the State Council Information Office
August 30, 2007
Qi Ji Vice MinisterMinistry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning.
According to the arrangement of the state press office, I will first brief you the work of drafting Opinions on Solving Housing Difficulty for Urban Low-Income Families.
I. The drafting process, guidelines and principles
The CPC and State Council place high emphasis on the people’s housing problems. Since the reform and opening-up, the urban housing system reform has been carried out, and most residents’ housing conditions has been greatly improved. Still some urban low-income families face housing difficulty. This year’s work report of the government stressed, we should help them solve housing difficulty by adopting more supportive policies such as finance and tax. The State Council appointed Ministry of Construction and other relevant departments to draft the Opinions on the basis of full investigation and study. On August7, the Opinions have been put into effect, which is a significant decision aiming to solving people’s living problems by the State Council. On August 24, the State Council convened National Housing Working Conference, giving guidance on the implementation. On that meeting, Vice Premier Mr. Zeng Peiyan made an important speech.
The Opinions requires that we view the work of solving housing difficulty for urban low-income families as the major component of protecting people’s interests and the housing system reform, and as an important responsibility of the government’s public service. We should speed up to establish the policy system of focusing on the low-rent housing system and solving housing difficulty for urban low-income families by multiple channels.
The Opinions clarifies the following basic principles. The first one is to base on the national conditions and to satisfy the basic needs of residents. The second one is to make integrated plan and to proceed by steps. The third one is government-leading and social participation. The fourth one is to unify the policies and to consider local special conditions. The fifth one is that the provincial government takes the overall responsibility and the city and county government put into execution.
II. The main policy provisions
First, the coverage of low-rent housing security should be expanded. By the end of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, the policy would have covered the low-income families. By the end of 2007, all the cities with districts should guarantee the housing of the low-income families who apply for low-rent housing subsidies and meet the related requirements. By the end of 2008, all the counties should make it as the cities do. Meantime, by the end of 2008, the eastern area and other advanced developed areas should incorporate the low-income families into the low-rent housing system.
Second, the provisions on the low-rent housing system should be perfected. The selection criteria for beneficiary and standards of the security should be rationally identified. The specific standards should be formulated by the city and county government based on a certain percentage of the local average income and housing level. The rental subsidy should be supplemented by the supply of rental housing to form a complete low-rent housing mode. The stock of low-rent housing should be created by multiple channels, such as newly built, purchased, or rebuilt by the government or donated by the society. In those areas in which small rental-apartments are in shortage and housing rents are high, the government should build more housing for rent. The newly built low-rent housing could be scattered in the affordable housing district and common commercial housing district, or be built as a cluster.
Third, the capital for low-rent housing security should be ensured. The local finance should incorporate it into the annual budget. The net income of the Housing Provident Fund should totally be used to low-rent housing construction. No less than 10% of the net income of the land transfer should be expensed to guarantee low-rent housing. The central government will earmark special fund to support the middle and western areas.
Fourth, the affordable housing system needs to be improved and regulated. The beneficiaries of the affordable housing are low-income families. The building area per apartment should be limited to around 60 square meters. The affordable housing can only be on sale 5 years after the purchase. A part of the sale price will be compensated to the government as the land revenue based on a certain percentage of the price gap between the economically affordable housing and the common commodity housing at the sale time. In those areas with unbalanced housing structure and surging housing price, the development scale of economically affordable housing should be expanded. In addition, the fund-raising cooperative housing development should be carried out on the regulations of the affordable housing.
Fifth, the living conditions of the shantytown, old resident districts, and migrated workers’ temporary housing should be gradually improved. The city government should make redevelopment plan for the shantytown based on the local conditions. In the old residential districts, the housing should be repaired and maintained, the associated facilities should be constructed, the environment should be improved and the energy-saving renovation should be launched. To improve the living conditions of the migrated worker, we should practice on the principles of unified planning, employers’ accountability and governments’ policy guidance.
III. Perfect housing security working system
First is to put in place the economic policy and land policy. The housing development for security purpose will be exempted from administrative fees and government fund. The land will be prioritized and ensured in the annual land use plan and supplied by direct transfer. Meanwhile, the administration on the planning and design will be intensified to ensure the projects’ quality and functions.
Second is to perfect the working system. The investigation on the housing conditions of the low-income families should be conducted right away and the files of the low-income families with housing difficulty should be created by the end of this year. The objectives, the development plan and the annual plan need to be worked out, and the capital and land need to be ready. The system of application, review and examination, and publicity for the low-rent housing and affordable housing should be improved, the investigation and examination on the applicants’ family income and housing conditions should be strictly conducted, and the exit system should be in place.
Third is to identify roles and responsibilities. The provincial governments take the overall responsibilities, manage by objectives, strengthen the supervision and guidance, and appraise the performance of the city governments. The city governments need to enhance leadership, improve the working institution, and report to the people’s congress of the same level through the annual government work report. The relevant departments of the State Council will speed up to work out the associated policies concerning the capital, land providing, tax and finance, and intensify the inspection and supervision.
IV. Strengthen the macro-regulation on the real estate market
In recent years, the regulation and control on the real estate market has obtained positive results. However, commercial housing market supply structure is still unreasonable. The gap between the housing demand and supply in some areas is remarkable, and since this year, the housing prices increase in an accelerated trend in some cities, especially the coast big cities in east China. We should make every effort to execute the regulation and control policy on the real estate market made by the State Council. Besides increasing the supply of the low-rent housing and affordable housing, we will focus on the following three aspects:
First is to increase the supply of common commercial housing, and to adjust the housing supply structure. We should stick to the policy of two 70% and price ceiling, put more stress on the development of low-and-middle price housing and medium-and-small-size apartment, and stabilize housing prices.
Second is to influence the housing demand. By adopting the differentiated tax policy and credit policy, we should crack down on the speculative action, restrain the housing purchase on investment purpose, and regulate and control the demand of large-size apartment, which will contribute to a rational housing consumption.
Third is to rigorously stop the illegal actions in the process of housing development and sale. We should strengthen the supervision and administration on all the process, check and punish the illegitimate behavior such as illegal planning, false advertisement and contract fraud, particularly the actions of stocking up lands, bidding up price, dishonest publicity, speculating on housing prices, etc.
Now, I am glad to take your questions on the “Opinions” and National Housing Working Conference.
- 1二級建造師復(fù)習(xí)資料:締約過失責(zé)任
- 2屋面防水工程-合成高分子卷材屋面防水
- 3建筑火災(zāi)安全事項探討
- 43D打印旋轉(zhuǎn)樓房:記得不要開錯門哦!
- 5某雨水泵站工程施工組織設(shè)計54p
- 6瑗挎垚瀹㈣繍涓撶嚎姹変腑孌靛畬鎴愭姇璧?7.1浜垮厓
- 7景觀與園林,殊途能否同歸?
- 8一級建造師復(fù)習(xí)資料:GJ-2冷膠料屋面防水工程——施工要點
- 9二級建造師復(fù)習(xí)資料:區(qū)分主體質(zhì)量行為監(jiān)督和實體質(zhì)量監(jiān)督
- 10中鐵十五局一公司保宜項目楊家畈大橋首片T梁架設(shè)成功
- 11論城市的游戲性
- 12承包商向業(yè)主的索賠:關(guān)于工期的索賠
- 13高校學(xué)生公寓防火設(shè)計中的防火問題的探討
- 14花崗巖鋪貼的質(zhì)量通病及防治
- 15咨詢考試工程咨詢概論復(fù)習(xí)資料:現(xiàn)代工程咨詢方法分類
- 162015造價員《土建工程》:地質(zhì)構(gòu)造
- 17房地產(chǎn)投資增速回落至四年半來最低
- 18配電箱盤柜主要質(zhì)量通病防治
- 19除濕機除濕與空調(diào)器除濕的原理
- 20一級建造師公路工程復(fù)習(xí)要點:水泥穩(wěn)定土基層路拌法
- 21《建設(shè)工程造價咨詢規(guī)范》宣貫會議在成都召開
- 22防洪堤設(shè)計說明書(A3)26p
- 232015年咨詢工程師《工程咨詢概論》第五章(5)
- 24污水排放管道安裝工程施工組織設(shè)計方案7p
- 25基層坡度要求 內(nèi)容
- 26咨詢工程師考試重點輔導(dǎo)資料:經(jīng)濟增長
- 27一級建造師市政公用工程管理與實務(wù)復(fù)習(xí)要點:長螺旋鉆孔
- 28荷載設(shè)計值分項系數(shù)的確定
- 29電氣審圖要點
- 30超大面積雙曲球型屋面結(jié)構(gòu)層噴射混凝土和預(yù)制板迭合法施工
項目管理工具 禪道項目管理軟件 夢龍項目管理軟件 微軟項目管理軟件 裝飾管理系統(tǒng) 裝修預(yù)算軟件 項目計劃軟件 項目進度管理軟件 軟件項目管理工具 材料管理軟件 工程項目管理軟件系統(tǒng) 項目管理系統(tǒng) 施工管理軟件 建筑工程項目管理軟件 工程管理軟件
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