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1. Major difficulties arise when multiple projects need to managed in the functional organizational structure because of-
A. The level of authority of the project manager
B. Conflicts over the relative priorities of different projects in competition for limited resources
C. Project team members who are focused on their functional specialty rather than on the project
D. The need for the project manager to use interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts informally
1. 當多個項目需要在職能組織結(jié)構(gòu)中進行管理的時候,會出現(xiàn)很大的困難,因為:
A. 項目經(jīng)理的權(quán)限有限
B. 不同的項目在競爭有限資源過程中會發(fā)生沖突
C. 項目小組成員更關注職能部門的本職工作而不是與項目有關的工作
D. 需要項目經(jīng)理運用個人交際能力非正式地解決沖突

2. The team you have organized for your new project consists of three people who will work full-time and five people who will support the project on a part-time basis. All team members know one another and have worked together in the past. To ensure a successful project start-up, your first step should be to
A. Meet with each team member individually to discuss assignments
B. Prepare a responsibility assignment matrix and distribute it to each team member
C. Distribute the project plan and WBS to the team
D. Hold a project kickoff meeting
2. 你為新項目組建的項目小組包括三個全職人員和五個兼職人員,所有小組人員相互認識并在過去一起共事。為了項目啟動順利,你的第一步是:

3. One organizational option for improving communications and teamwork is using a fight matrix. This approach also serves to facilitate-
A. Fast-tracking
B. Concurrent engineering
C. Resource leveling
D. Work on geographically dispersed or virtual teams
3. 一個公司為改善溝通和團隊協(xié)作可以選擇使用一個緊縮矩陣的形式把大家組織起來。這種方法還能促進
A. 快速趕工
B. 協(xié)作工程
C. 資源平衡
D. 地理上分散或虛擬團隊的工作

4. Of the following types of historical information that can be used in risk identification, which is the least reliable?
A. Project files
B. Commercial databases
C. Project team knowledge
D. Lessons learned databases
4. 在以下可用于風險識別的歷史信息中,最不可靠的是:
A. 項目的檔案
B. 商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)庫
C. 項目小組知識
D. 經(jīng)驗數(shù)據(jù)庫

5. The DeIphi technique is a particularly useful method for identifying risk to
A. Present a sequence of decision choices graphically to decision makers
B. Define the probability of occurrence of specific variables
C. Reduce bias in the analysis and keep any one person from haying undue influence on the outcome
D. Help take into account the attitude of the decision maker toward risk
A. 為決策者提供圖表式的一系列決策選擇
B. 明確特定變量出現(xiàn)的概率
C. 減少分析過程中的偏見,防止任何人對分析結(jié)果施加不正當?shù)挠绊?
D. 有助于將決策者對風險的態(tài)度考慮進去






發(fā)布:2007-03-02 10:48    編輯:泛普軟件 · xiaona    [打印此頁]    [關閉]


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