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1. Your organization is beginning a new project staffed with a virtual team that is located in five countries worldwide. Based on experience, you recognize that team members in a matrix environment sometimes will be more responsive to their functional managers than to you, their project manager. Anticipating these problems, you decide to prepare a
A. Memo to team members informing them that they work for you now
B. Project charter
C. Memo to the functional managers informing them that you have authority to direct their employees
D. Human resource management plan
1. 你是一個項目的經(jīng)理,管理著一個分布于全世界5個不同國家的虛擬團(tuán)隊。根據(jù)以住的經(jīng)驗,你知道:這些團(tuán)隊成員對他們的職能經(jīng)理的要求回應(yīng)得要比對你的回應(yīng)要積極得多??紤]到這個問題,你決定要準(zhǔn)備一個_____以提醒他們你有權(quán)支配他們的員工。
A. 針對團(tuán)隊成員的備忘錄,以提醒他們現(xiàn)在是為項目經(jīng)理工作
B. 項目章程
C. 針對職能經(jīng)理的備忘錄
D. 人力資源管理計劃

2. You are employed by a federal agency and are managing a 3-year project with a ¥3 million budget. If project requirements change, you expect additional funds to become available toward the end of each fiscal year. You may use these funds for your project. You decide to establish a cost change control system to
A. Define when to add contingency funds to the project
B. Define the procedures by which the cost baseline may be changed
C. Determine why a cost variance has occurred
D. Determine whether a budget update is required
2. 你受雇于一個政府機(jī)構(gòu)來管理一個為期3年、預(yù)算達(dá)300萬美元的項目。如果項目有變更需求,你就需要在每個財政年度的年底有更多的資金注入。你可以在你的項目中使用這些資金。你決定要建立一個成本變更控制系統(tǒng),這樣做的目的是
A. 明確什么時候向項目添加應(yīng)急資金
B. 明確定義變更成本基線的程序
C. 判斷成本變動發(fā)生的原因
D. 判斷是否需要修改預(yù)算

3. You must consider direct costs, indirect costs, overhead costs’, and general and administrative costs during cost estimating. Which of the following is not an example of a direct cost?
A. Salary of the project manager
B. Subcontractor expenses
C. Materials used by the project
D. Electricity
3. 在成本估計中你必須考慮直接成本、間接成本、營業(yè)費用、總成本以及管理成本。下面哪一個不是直接成本的例子?
A. 項目經(jīng)理的薪水
B. 轉(zhuǎn)包商費用
C. 項目所使用的原料
D. 電力

4.The purpose of the Taguchi method is to
A. Manage the flow of material for better visibility and control
B. Use statistical techniques to compute a “l(fā)oss function” to determine the cost of producing products that fall to achieve a target value
C. Design, group, and manage production operations as self-contained flexible cells capable of start-to-finish processing of a family of items
D. Regulate coordination and communication among process stages
4. Taguchi 質(zhì)量管理方法的目的是:
A. 對物資流程進(jìn)行更好的管理以增加其透明度和可控性
B. 運用技術(shù)計算損失函數(shù),以確定沒有達(dá)到目標(biāo)價值的產(chǎn)品所耗費的成本
C. 使得生產(chǎn)活動作為獨立和靈活的能夠自始至終處理一系列項目組成成份,而Taguchi 方法則對這些生產(chǎn)操作設(shè)計,分組和管理。
D. 對流程各階段進(jìn)行協(xié)調(diào)和溝通

5. You are managing a virtual team. Your team members all work in different geographic locations and will meet face-to-face only once or twice. The project has been under way for several months, and you have a strong feeling that your tem members do not view themselves as a team or unified group, to help rectify this situation, you should
A. Ensure that every member of the project team uses e –mail as a form of communication
B. Mandate that the team follow the vision and mission statement of his or her organization
C. Create symbols and structures that solidify the unity of dispersed work group
D. Provide team members with the latest in communications technology and mandate its use
5. 你正在管理一個虛擬團(tuán)隊。你的團(tuán)隊成員都分布在不同的地方工作,而且只能碰一兩次面。這個項目已經(jīng)啟動有幾個月了,你強(qiáng)烈地感覺到這些成員并沒有把他們視為了整體的團(tuán)隊。為了改善這種情況,你應(yīng)該:
A. 確保每個項目團(tuán)隊的成員都使用電子郵件進(jìn)行溝通
B. 命令團(tuán)隊成員要服從組織的安排和命令
C. 創(chuàng)造項目團(tuán)隊標(biāo)識來增進(jìn)團(tuán)隊的凝聚力
D. 通過溝通向團(tuán)隊成員提供最新的技術(shù)和指令







發(fā)布:2007-03-02 10:48    編輯:泛普軟件 · xiaona    [打印此頁]    [關(guān)閉]


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