當前位置:工程項目OA系統(tǒng) > 建筑OA系統(tǒng) > 軟件項目管理工具
QUEST Methods and techniques used to examine cost and technical data are called feasibility studies. The economic aspects of a feasibility study include interest rates, present worth factors, operating costs, depreciation and _____.
A Capitalization costs.
B Technical skill requirements.
C Technology forecasting.
D Strategic marketing intelligence.
E All of the above.
QUEST Cost management includes:
A Cost estimating/forecasting.
B Cost budgeting/cost control.
C Cost applications.
D All of the above.
E A and B only.
QUEST A variance envelope has been established on a project. The envelope goes from +-30% in R&D to +-5% during manufacturing. The reason for the change in thickness of the envelope is because:
A The management reserve has been used up.
B The accuracy of the estimates in manufacturing are worse than the estimates in R & D.
C Tighter controls are always needed as a project begins to wind down.
D Of the personal desires of the project sponsor.
E Of none of the above
QUEST Which of the following would most likely increase the accuracy of estimating the project cost?
A Pricing out the work at lower levels in the work breakdown structure.
B Using historical data.
C Talking to people who have worked on similar projects.
D All of the above.
E A and C only.
QUEST Life cycle costing is the total cost to the customer for the acquisition and ownership over its full life. Life cycle costing categories include the cost of _____, _____, and _____.
A R & D, maintainability, operation and support.
B R & D, production, operation and support.
C Acquisition, operations, maintenance.
D Production, operations, maintenance.
E None of the above
- 1建筑工程檢測試驗技術管理規(guī)范術語
- 2特殊條件下矩形薄壁空心高墩墩身施工工法(大塊組合翻轉模板 三級工法)
- 3云南省2015年安全工程師考試報名時間為4月10日-5月10日
- 4如何選擇合適的混凝土輸送泵攪拌器
- 5宿遷市實施三大工程提升村莊環(huán)境品質
- 6宏觀經濟政策與發(fā)展規(guī)劃知識點:產業(yè)政策的實施
- 7廈深鐵路抓緊后期施工 年底深圳廈門實現(xiàn)高鐵接駁
- 8園建、綠化工程施工組織設計
- 92015年招標師考試每日一練(8月30日)
- 10天津濱海國貿中心扣件式高支模設計與施工
- 11安全工程師輔導資料:電力生產中危險點的查找與預控2
- 12煙臺某會展中心基礎防水施工方案(LM涂膜防水)
- 132015年一級建造師考試《法規(guī)及相關知識》名師剖析(19)
- 142015招標師考試項目管理考點:招標采購項目計劃的編制
- 15吉林:今年將建3300公里農村公路
- 16大跨度鋼箱系桿拱橋懸臂拼裝施工工法(國家工法)
- 17陜西省2008年度造價工程師執(zhí)業(yè)資格考試5月19日至5月29日報名
- 182015年二級建造師《公路》重點:工程決算階段造價控制
- 192015年咨詢工程師《項目決策分析與評價》每日一練(5.28)
- 20廣東:2009年注冊安全工程師考試3月31日開始(考試動態(tài))
- 212015年安全工程師考試《安全生產法及相關法律知識》模擬習題(3)
- 222015招標師備考需多久
- 23[北京]大型體育館鋼結構工程施工進度計劃圖(Project編制)
- 24大跨度地下洞庫施工模板支撐技術
- 252015年全國二級建造師執(zhí)業(yè)資格考試相關用書介紹
- 26[威海市]06年安全工程師考試報名數(shù)據(jù)核對6.1-9日
- 27【招標師考試】項目管理與招標采購第三章:水路運輸
- 2840萬淅川人為南水北調離故土 移民強度超過三峽
- 29政府采購聯(lián)合體組成要符合九個條件
- 302015年咨詢工程師《宏觀經濟政策與發(fā)展規(guī)劃》每日一練5.29