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關(guān)鍵詞:工程監(jiān)理;工程監(jiān)督;問題;對策  abstract: with the rapid development of social economy, china’s construction industry also rapidly, and engineering quality problem is also more and more should be taken seriously, engineering quality affects the vital interests of the people, the project quality supervision mechanism for the engineering quality control played an important role. construction quality supervision system is established in 1984, which marks the government administrative management construction engineering quality one-way supervision and time is close to an end, and entering government professional technical quality supervision and new era, from a government project quality supervision mechanism established, past the existence of major national quality problem effectively controlled. for 20 years, all levels of project quality supervision agencies in developing rapidly across the country, from small to large size, strength by weak to strong, gradually become main force of engineering construction quality management team, the establishment of the guarantee it all engineering quality, to avoid some important engineering, quality accident, the appearance of project quality management in our country play a very important role, in the society set up a good image. construction projects the government supervision and management of the construction quality management as a important part, although in security project quality supervision of the implementation of the played a better effect, but there are also some problems. in order to effectively guarantee of the engineering construction level, the realization from a single fact supervision to the engineering construction quality supervision and extension of the parties behavior, and pay special attention engineering construction of all parties of the quality of the project on part of effective supervision, establish behavior supervision and the facts to monitor both the quality supervision and operation mechanism is an inevitable trend.  keywords: engineering supervision; engineering supervision; problem; countermeasures  中圖分類號:f253.3文獻標識碼:a 文章編號:  1 建筑工程質(zhì)量問題及特點  建筑工程質(zhì)量問題的現(xiàn)狀主要表現(xiàn)在:  (1)由于普遍存在意識淡薄,管理力度低,執(zhí)行不到位,導(dǎo)致政府的監(jiān)督管理工作出現(xiàn)了缺位,越位,不到位現(xiàn)象。一些建筑工程開始不按程序建設(shè),有些工程沒有審查圖紙就施工,一邊施工一邊設(shè)計;有些工程建設(shè)單位的資質(zhì)審查不是很嚴,且層層轉(zhuǎn)包;有些工程施工前的程序還沒有辦理完就野蠻施工,一味的追求利潤最大化,不顧建筑質(zhì)量標準與規(guī)范,產(chǎn)生一系列的潛在的及明顯的質(zhì)量問題。  (2)施工中的質(zhì)量問題。一些施工經(jīng)驗并不是很多,專業(yè)水平也不是很高的隊伍,卻去承包接攬自己力所不能及的項目,或者一味的轉(zhuǎn)包。  (3)竣工的驗收不按行規(guī)與法規(guī)實施,執(zhí)行力不夠。本應(yīng)參照竣工驗收備案制度,由相關(guān)有資質(zhì)的竣工驗收機構(gòu)監(jiān)督驗收,但是工程建設(shè)單位與施工單位刻意的繞開竣工驗收機構(gòu),將竣工驗收改為自檢。這樣導(dǎo)致建設(shè)單位與施工單位成為了驗收的主導(dǎo),竣工驗收發(fā)揮不了相應(yīng)的作用,缺乏了機制的制衡。 
發(fā)布:2007-07-24 10:15    編輯:泛普軟件 · xiaona    [打印此頁]    [關(guān)閉]


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