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  This paper, from the fine soil preparation, arrangement of drainage and irrigation systems, planting grass planting technology is introduced, in order to provide technical reference for planting high-quality lawn.      關(guān)鍵詞草坪;精細整地;布置排灌水系統(tǒng);種植   Key words the lawn; Fine soil preparation; The layout of irrigation and drainage water system; planting          草坪施工的內(nèi)容,就是要求根據(jù)已確定的設(shè)計來完成草坪開辟和種植過程。在這一施工過程中,要搞好土地整理工作,在準備好土壤的同時,要施好底肥和防蟲害農(nóng)藥,平整好土地,布置好排水灌溉設(shè)施。種植方法有播種法、栽植法、鋪草塊和鋪草卷4種方法。播種法要做好選種、種子處理工作,確定播種時間和播種方法;栽植法要確定好栽植時間、選擇好草源、掘草栽植;鋪草塊和鋪草卷要經(jīng)過選擇草源、確定草塊、草卷大小規(guī)格、運輸及存放、鋪植等環(huán)節(jié)。不同的鋪植方法都有各自的優(yōu)點和缺點,在鋪植草坪時,要根據(jù)實際情況,選擇合適的栽植方法,使之產(chǎn)出經(jīng)濟優(yōu)質(zhì)的草坪。   Lawn construction's content, is required to complete the lawn according to established design and planting process. In the construction process, to improve land consolidation work, in the soil at the same time, ready to give better fertilizers and insect pests prevention of pesticide, flat land, decorate good drainage irrigation facilities. Shop with seeding, planting, planting method, blocks and volume 4 methods of turf grass. Seeding method to do a good job in selecting seeds, seed treatment, seeding time and planting method; Planting method to determine the planting time, choose good source, dug grass planting grass; Piece of turf and grass rolls will source selected grass, grass, grass volume size specification, transportation and storage, shop, etc. Different spread planting method has its own advantages and disadvantages, in the shop, when planting lawn, according to the actual situation, choose the appropriate planting method, make the output of economic quality lawn.      1精細整地   1 fine soil preparation      栽種草坪,必須事先按設(shè)計標高整理好場地,主要操作內(nèi)容包括挖(刨)松土地、整平、施肥等,必要時還要換土[1]。對于有特殊要求的草坪如運動場草坪還應(yīng)設(shè)置排地下水設(shè)施。草坪植物的根系80%分布在40 cm以上的土層中,而且50%以上是在地表以下20 cm的范圍內(nèi)。雖然有些草坪植物能耐干旱,耐瘠薄,但種在15 cm厚的土層上,易導致生長不良,應(yīng)加強管理。為了使草坪保持優(yōu)良的質(zhì)量,減少管理費用,應(yīng)盡可能使土層厚度達到40 cm左右,在小于30 cm的地方應(yīng)加厚土層。對于含有磚石等雜質(zhì)的土壤,雖然對草坪植物生長沒有多大影響,但妨礙管理操作,應(yīng)將雜物挑(揀)出來,必要時應(yīng)將30~40 cm厚的表土全部過篩。如果土中含有石灰等有害于草坪植物生長的物質(zhì),則應(yīng)將40 cm厚的表層土全部運走,另外換上砂質(zhì)壤土,以利于草坪植物的生長發(fā)育[2]。
發(fā)布:2007-07-29 11:13    編輯:泛普軟件 · xiaona    [打印此頁]    [關(guān)閉]


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