當前位置:工程項目OA系統(tǒng) > 建筑OA系統(tǒng) > 建筑工程項目管理軟件
a. starting partial payments for work accomplished.
b. adhering to the contract and making no early payments.
c. paying for all work accomplished to date only.
d. demanding penalty free options to make early payments.
17. To be successful, negotiating must be conducted in an atmosphere of:
a. flexibility and understanding.
b. sincerity and thoughtfulness.
c. mutual respect and cooperation.
d. sincerity and prudent caution.
18. Inputs to cost budgeting include all of the following except:
a. cost baseline.
b. cost estimates.
c. work breakdown structure.
d. project schedule.
19. A precise description of a deliverable includes a:
a. specification.
b. baseline.
c. work package.
d. WBS element.
20. Theory X management is based upon an assumption that:
a. quality improvements lie in the hands of quality circles.
b. profits are tied to meeting the project’s baseline milestones.
c. absenteeism is tied to poor working conditions.
d. workers are inherently unmotivated and need strong guidance.
21. All of the following are characteristics of parametric estimating except:
a. historical data inputs.
b. quantifiable relationships.
c. scalable calculations.
d. international standards.
22. Of the following estimates, which most accurately reflect the actual cost of the project?
a. bottom-up estimates.
b. order of magnitude estimates.
c. preliminary estimates.
d. conceptual estimates.
23. Including a contingency reserve in the project budget is intended to:
a. reduce the probability of scope changes.
b. increase the effectiveness of scope controls.
c. reduce the probability of a cost overrun.
d. increase the effectiveness of cost controls.
- 12015年安全工程師《安全生產法及相關知識》每日一練(6.12)
- 2復習指導:施工項目竣工驗收準備
- 3復習指導:工程造價和成本核算的基礎知識(2)
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- 8監(jiān)理工程師每日一練免費在線測試(2015.8.6)
- 92015年監(jiān)理工程師:無權代理
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- 152015年監(jiān)理工程師《投資控制》每日一練(7.16)
- 162015二級建造師《機電專業(yè)工程管理與實務》場景試題9
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- 182015造價師《造價管理》知識:造價管理主要內容
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- 292015一級建造師復習資料:橋梁的施工
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