當前位置:工程項目OA系統(tǒng) > 建筑OA系統(tǒng) > 軟件項目管理工具
QUEST Network schedules are prepared during the _____ phase and updated during the _____ phase.
A Conceptual, execution.
B Development, implementation.
C Development, close-out.
D Implementation, close-out.
E Planning, finishing.
QUEST Scheduling systems such as PERT, ADM, and PDM are project management tools to be used by:
A The project manager and project office personnel.
B The project team and functional managers.
C The project sponsor.
D All of the above.
E A and B only.
QUEST Increasing resources on the critical path activities may not always shorten the length of the project because:
A Certain activities are time-dependent rather than resource-dependent (i.e., using three ovens rather than one to bake a cake).
B Safety, OSHA and EPA may have placed restrictions on the number of people used on certain activities or in the physical location of the project.
C The skill level of the added resources might not be appropriate for the activities to be performed.
D Adding more resources may create additional work and produce inefficiencies (i.e., additional people may need training and supervision.)
E All of the above.
QUEST A line manager provides you with three estimates for his activity in your PERT network. His estimates are 2 weeks optimistically, 4 weeks most likely, and 12 weeks pessimistically. The expected time which would appear on the chart would be:
A 4 weeks
B 5 weeks
C 6 weeks
D 7 weeks
E None of the above.
QUEST Management has decided to "crash" a project in order to avoid penalty payments for late deliveries. To crash the project, either overtime or additional resources should be assigned to:
A All activities.
B Only those activities with the longest time durations.
C Those activities on the critical path begining with the longest time duration activities.
D Those activities with the greatest degree of risk.
E None of the above.
- 12015年包頭造價工程師報名時間為7月8日-7月22日
- 2招標師2015備考指南
- 3地基土變形觀測要點是什么?
- 4安全工程師《安全生產管理》第一講講義精選(16)
- 5粉體噴射攪拌樁施工工法
- 6監(jiān)理工程師考試2015年《工程質量與進度控制》習題(1)
- 7施工組織設計管理規(guī)定
- 8安全工程師電工安全技術考核試卷(F卷)
- 92015年安全工程師《生產管理知識》試題精選(17)
- 10浙江省2005年造價工程師資格考試答題須知
- 11安全工程師答疑精華:天波
- 122015年招標師《專業(yè)實務》輔導:工程建設項目招標方案
- 132008年安全工程師考試《安全生產技術》習題三十一
- 14工程咨詢概論知識點:工程咨詢公司的組織和管理
- 15造價工程師技術與計量(土建)復習資料——建筑玻璃
- 162015年安全工程師考試《安全生產技術》資料:腳手架的設計
- 172015年咨詢工程師《宏觀經(jīng)濟政策與發(fā)展規(guī)劃》每日一練6.5
- 18預裂光面爆破作業(yè)施工工法
- 19二級建造師考試教程
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- 22造價工程師技術與計量(土建)復習資料——遵循廠房工藝流程
- 23安全工程師相關法律知識點:不具備安全生產條件的法律責任
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- 262015年安全工程師《生產管理知識》典型題(5)
- 272008年監(jiān)理工程師《質量、投資、進度控制》習題18
- 28中國投資項目管理信息化的背景、現(xiàn)狀、問題與對策
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