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Communications Sample Questions

1. Which of the following is not a process of Project Communcations Management?
A. Administrative Closure
B. Performance Reporting
C. Information Distribution
D. Communications Planning
E. Conflict Resolution

2. Which of the following are outputs from the Communications Planning process?
A. Project records
B. Communications management plan
C. Performance reports
D. Formal acceptance
E. b and c

3. The receiver filters messages based on all but the following:
A. Culture
B. Semantics
C. Language
D. Distance
E. Knowledge

4. How much time does the typical project manager spend communicating both formally and informally?
A. 40-60%
B. 50-70%
C. 60-80%
D. 75-90%

5. In communications management, to assimilate through the mind or senses is the process of:
A. Receiving
B. Decoding
C. Comprehending
D. Understanding

6. The sending or conveying of information from one place to another is the process of:
A. Networking
B. Transmitting
C. Encrypting
D. Promoting

7. Group brainstorming encourages all of the following except:
A. Team building
B. Analysis of alternatives
C. Convergent thinking
D. Uninhibited verbalization

8. The three major types of communication are:
A. Written, verbal, and non-verbal.
B. Verbal, formal documentation, informal documentation.
C. Verbal, written, and graphic.
D. Verbal, written, and electronic.

9. All of the following are outputs from performance reporting EXCEPT:
A. Trend analysis
B. "S" curves, histograms, bar charts, and tables
C. Performance reports
D. Change requests
E. Stakeholder reports

10. All of the following aid in achieving consensus EXCEPT:
A. Maintaining a focus on the problem, not each other.
B. Avoiding conflict.
C. Seeking facts.
D. Avoiding voting, trading, or averaging.

11. All of the following are communication tools EXCEPT:
A. Memos
B. Verbal circulation of a rumor
C. Videos
D. Body language
E. Inputing data into a spreadsheet

12. Communication is the PRIME responsibility of a Project:
A. Manager in a weak matrix
B. Manager in a projectized environment
C. Coordinator
D. Expeditor

13. A tight matrix is:
A. A balanced matrix organization.
B. Where all team members are brought together in one location.
C. Where functional managers operate in a dual reporting structure reporting to both
their own departments and to the project manager.
D. a and c

14. The sender is responsible for:
A. Confirming the message is understood.
B. Ensuring the receiver agrees with the message.
C. Scheduling communication exchange.
D. Presenting the message in the most agreeable manner.

15. What are the four parts of the communications model?
A. Sending, Receiving, Decoding, and Comprehending
B. Sender, Message, Medium, Receiver
C. Communicator, Message, Receiver, Decoder
D. Communicating, Transmitting, Receiving, Comprehending

16. A leadership style in which the project manager shares problems with team members and formulates solutions as a group is called:
A. Autocratic
B. Consultation in a group
C. Consensus
D. One-to-one consultation

17. In negotiating with functional department managers, project managers often find themselves using what two-party conflict management approach?
A. Win-Lose
B. Win-Win
C. Lose-Lose

18. A type of organization in which the project manager has little formal authority and basically acts as a staff assistant to an executive who is ultimately responsible for the project is called:
A. Functional
B. Weak matrix
C. Project coordinator
D. Project expediter

19. Formal acceptance by the client or sponsor of the project should be preapred and distributed during which process?
A. Information Distribution
B. Administrative Closeout
C. Organizational Planning
D. Performance Reporting

20. In which of the following organizations is the project manager role likely to be part-time?
A. Weak matrix
B. Functional
C. Balanced matrix
D. a and b
E. All of the above

發(fā)布:2007-03-23 14:29    編輯:泛普軟件 · xiaona    [打印此頁]    [關(guān)閉]







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